Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Something really Special to share

Hello, everyone. I am not one to add links to other websites or information to this blog because this blog is mostly about my wild little monkeys and their photos. But, I recently came across something through one of my adoption forum groups that was extremely moving and emotional; I wanted to share it with you. It is a 4 minute clip, please check it out. (If the link does not work, copy and paste into the URL box above.) You will need sound as well.


This narrated photo montage is about the amazingly selfless love of a birthmother for her newborn son. She talks about her decision and all the emotions and events that she felt during her pregnancy and making her adoption plan. There is one thing she says when she is asked why she chose adoption that just moved me to tears. She says, "I chose adoption for him; it's what he deserves. He deserves more than I can provide." You can hear her love for him in her voice, the tears she holds back as she tells her story, but more importantly, you can hear her pride in the decision she made that was right for her and her son. It was amazing.

Our family has been made through adoption and the amazingly courageous and selfless love of C's birthmother D and X's birthparents J and A. These three people have changed our lives for the better while making one of the hardest decisions of their lives.

I just want to say both Thank you and we Honor you.

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