Sunday, March 1, 2009

Today, March 1st!!!!

Well, we were heading for family photos yesterday at the local Sears. I did not think ahead to make an appointment - I mean, really, how busy could they be? Thankfully, Ad talked me into called before we loaded up to make the trek across town. They were BOOKED. How rude! So, we did our own candid photos at home today instead. We will try the professional route another day.
Notice my hands on E's leg. He was refusing to smile, so I tried to get a happy bit of giggling out of him.

Some of the run off from the snowpiles refroze over night. We had a decent size flat block of ice to play on today. The kids were running and sliding along on their knees.

We thought a doggie pile by Daddy would be worth some time on the ice.

This was a pouty E after he fell on the ice. He nailed his cheek pretty good. It does have a bright pink spot.

Daddy playing slip and slide with the kids. I was too much of a chicken to try sliding across the ice.

X sure was not!! He ran across the driveway and slide like a rock star across the ice. What a smile on that boy's face!

Ice sliding: Caught in the Act!!

How cute is this picture??? He refuses to keep his tongue in his mouth when he is outside. He is so funny!!
He was telling on big brother E the other day. I do not let them throw or kick balls in the house. Only rolling. Anyway, E was not following the rules and apparently he kicked the ball really high. I did not see this, but X sure did. He came running into to the living room with the ball and said," E kicked ball, like this" (then he kicked his leg really really high) "and da ball went like dis(this)" (then he threw the ball into the air as high as he could). He repeated this entire series of events at least 15 times!! He was mad at E for kicking that ball!!!
So cute!

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