Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Our big news............

WE ARE MOVING TO VERMONT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It has to be all Cap's because of the enormity of the news. Really it does. We are so very excited.

Adam is the new CEO and President of a Cheese Company there with not 1 but 2 plants!!!

There are going to be major changes in our lives but we are so ready for it. We are so thrilled to be starting this new adventure in our lives. And, that is exactly how we see it adventure.

The kids are okay with it. A was the hardest to deal with for a bit as he is the oldest. He has had the same best friend and been in the same class with that best friend since Kindergarten. That will be hard for him. Thankfully, he is still young yet and he'll adjust. The others will be alot easier.

Our major adjustment will be not being in close proximity to our families. That will be the hardest part by far. I am going to miss my mommy (yes, i said mommy) and my aunt C. I see them or talk to them every day. Mom lives less than 1 minute away from us right now. The kids are really going to miss them. They spend the night at least once a week at either house every weekend. (Apparently they need a mommy break)...............My family is so very close and saying it's going to be hard is an understatement I'm sure.

We are in contract for a house and it is very nice. It is actually smaller than our house here but not by too much. The only true way to tell is when you've living in it , I guess. It has 5 bedrooms and they are all on the same floor!!! That is the best feature for me. The other houses we saw had a room in the basement, 1 or 2 on the 1st and 1 or 2 on the 2nd etc..... but I do not like the idea of the kids being that far away from me at night. I need them close by just in case.

It has over 3 acres and is lightly wooded. It is very rural which I love. I have not spoken to the school there yet. Actually, I had spoken to other schools and even toured other schools around other homes that we liked.

We never even planned on seeing this house at all, but as luck and life had it we did see it. (Okay, I'll spill. The reason we were not going to see it was because the picture on the realty website was terrible. Plus, there were no interior pictures to judge. The picture was really terrible and I named the house "The house of butt" because the picture was beyond ugly. Really, it was ugly.) The original house we wanted fell through and we were running out of options of houses to look at. Let's face it, there are not many houses suited to a family of 7!!!!!! So, we went to see it. The exterior is not as bad as the picture would have you believe, actually 100x better but not my first choice. But, the inside was fantastic!!! It really suited us and the kids well. So we were sold.

That's about it. If you have any questions or comments please let me know. I can call or email to us at any time. Or even respond here on the blog.

Love ya lots!!! Bye now!!!

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