Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Pictures of the new house. Obviously not our stuff in the photos though.
This is the view from the end of the driveway.........
Master bedroom..............

Side view of the house..............

The back although supposedly it's the front as the front door is on this side. We have been told though that no one uses the front doors in New England. go figure

Another front/side view

Master bath....
 huge table should fit in the kitchen. Plus there is a formal dining room

Our big news............

WE ARE MOVING TO VERMONT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It has to be all Cap's because of the enormity of the news. Really it does. We are so very excited.

Adam is the new CEO and President of a Cheese Company there with not 1 but 2 plants!!!

There are going to be major changes in our lives but we are so ready for it. We are so thrilled to be starting this new adventure in our lives. And, that is exactly how we see it adventure.

The kids are okay with it. A was the hardest to deal with for a bit as he is the oldest. He has had the same best friend and been in the same class with that best friend since Kindergarten. That will be hard for him. Thankfully, he is still young yet and he'll adjust. The others will be alot easier.

Our major adjustment will be not being in close proximity to our families. That will be the hardest part by far. I am going to miss my mommy (yes, i said mommy) and my aunt C. I see them or talk to them every day. Mom lives less than 1 minute away from us right now. The kids are really going to miss them. They spend the night at least once a week at either house every weekend. (Apparently they need a mommy break)...............My family is so very close and saying it's going to be hard is an understatement I'm sure.

We are in contract for a house and it is very nice. It is actually smaller than our house here but not by too much. The only true way to tell is when you've living in it , I guess. It has 5 bedrooms and they are all on the same floor!!! That is the best feature for me. The other houses we saw had a room in the basement, 1 or 2 on the 1st and 1 or 2 on the 2nd etc..... but I do not like the idea of the kids being that far away from me at night. I need them close by just in case.

It has over 3 acres and is lightly wooded. It is very rural which I love. I have not spoken to the school there yet. Actually, I had spoken to other schools and even toured other schools around other homes that we liked.

We never even planned on seeing this house at all, but as luck and life had it we did see it. (Okay, I'll spill. The reason we were not going to see it was because the picture on the realty website was terrible. Plus, there were no interior pictures to judge. The picture was really terrible and I named the house "The house of butt" because the picture was beyond ugly. Really, it was ugly.) The original house we wanted fell through and we were running out of options of houses to look at. Let's face it, there are not many houses suited to a family of 7!!!!!! So, we went to see it. The exterior is not as bad as the picture would have you believe, actually 100x better but not my first choice. But, the inside was fantastic!!! It really suited us and the kids well. So we were sold.

That's about it. If you have any questions or comments please let me know. I can call or email to us at any time. Or even respond here on the blog.

Love ya lots!!! Bye now!!!
I forgot E's picture with Santa from the previous post. He needs to be immortalized on the web along with his sib's.

This is Christmas morning at home. Yes, we know that we need a haircut. We just haven't gotten there yet. Besides, I kinda like the Young Einstein look. How can you not love it?

The LOOT!!!! And sadly, this is only half of the gifts here at the house. I did not want to upload all three sides of the tree. Plus, there was Christmas at Aunt C's, Big Mommy (my mom's) and Papa's house. It is just crazy the amount of stuff!!!!

The stocking are hung by the chimney with care......
Each year on Christmas Eve we hang the stockings before the kids go to bed. They pick their own for the year and their own mantle hanger thingy. Although, we were short one this year. I had forgotten about the ones that were broken at the end of last year. So, no big deal, Daddy and Mommy shared a hook.

C and niece P are all the rage this year. The makeup these girls got is enough to fill a cosmetic counter. They just love love love it!!!

Hey!! Practice makes perfect you know!!! Don't knock it till you've tried it..... and yes, I've tried it.

Some more photos of getting the goods.........

X really had no interest in opening presents. We tried to show him how it's done etc. but he was too impatient. His brothers and sister already had toys out of the packages and were playing so he went to play with theirs!!! He gave up on his and decided to take theirs. It was very funny.............but he learned quickly to back away.

Okay I have not figured out the delete button. AND..........its pretty hard to upload photos only by numbers and I kept forgetting which numbers I'd already done. That being said..............these 3 pictures of A are really nice don't ya think. (I do my best)

C, E, A, nephew Z, O and niece P at Papa's house on Christmas Eve. X was already under the tree digging..........

Our amazing year at it's end!!!

Sorry!! I hit the wrong button, so we are crooked. Oh well, I'm not changing it now. HEEHEE....

See that's the finger wagging I was talking about below. ;-)

Wow! Has this year gone fast or what? I cannot believe that it is 2008! That seems so wrong on so many different levels, but what can you do? I mean, really.

These pictures are from our annual Brunch with Santa. We do this every year at the club and the kids just absolutely love it. I love it because it means no fighting the crowds at the mall to see Santa.
I want to say hello to everyone out there in cyber world viewing our blog. I hope that everyone had a happy, healthy, and safe holiday season. Ours was wonderful and exciting. We have had so many different and amazing things happen in our lives this year. It has been a true blessing.

All the kids are healthy and growing and couldn't be happier. We are so thankful for adding our little X to the family. He is a beautiful gift - a blessing. (There just isn't another word that can equal that, you know?) He is growing and has put on over 2 pounds since he came home. He is finally walking - mastering the concept in the last 2 weeks or so. He thinks he is soooo big now. You can just see the delight and pride glowing in his eyes. It is fantastic! He only days "mama" and "dada" and has added "uh-oh" to the vocabulary. But, do not think he isn't talking! That boy can tell you how much he loves you (or how angry he is) very eloquently. He puts that index finger up and starts wagging it in your face!!! He is letting us have it, let me tell you.

A is great. Growing like a weed. He is just so amazingly tall that it is just not funny any more. I keep looking at him and seeing my sweet baby boy, but he is much more than that now. It makes me sad and happy all at the same time.

E has joined gymnastics and enjoys it. Although, he will not tell you that. He complains about the stretching and how much it hurts. The smile on his face during class though belies the whining. He glows from the inside out when he is there. And the giggles.......oh man the giggles. I wish that I could bottle that and keep it forever.
O is the same way. He tells how much he loves gymnastics though. He gets a big kick out of it. He shows off at home and at the store and and and..... he is just thrilled with himself. I love it. The pride that he is doing something that he is "in" something is amazing. He has been asking for awhile what he can do (his brothers have soccer, football, guitar, etc and C has dance ). He hasn't had anything for himself yet. And he is sooooooooo excited.

C loves her dancing class and she likes her gymnastics too. I really thought she would be amazing in gymnastics but as of yet she is well, not. :-) She acts like such a big girl with her behaviors and her vocab - that I just forget that she is only 2!!! Really, only 2!! (Well, she is 2 weeks away from 3 now!) She is learning and having so much fun.

Adam and I are well and have exciting news too. Yes, more exciting but I will post it after I post some photos.