Wednesday, February 20, 2008

We are still alive, I promise!!!

Hellooo out in cyber world!!! We are moved in and relatively settled in the new house in Vermont. We really like it but knowing that the house is smaller than our old house and actually living in a smaller house are two totally different things!!!!!!!!! And it is not that much smaller. The sounds carry through the house which is the biggest difference that I can tell. The boys and their "sword fighting" which never bothered me before (mostly because I could send them to their room and not really hear them) is starting to grate a little on the nerves. But I remind myself that they are playing and playing together as well as not getting into any then it doesn't bother me as much.

Adam loves his new job. He comes home smiling and happy. The amount of stress that he carries on his shoulders is miniscule compared to his working at the Dairy. And technically speaking Adam has 3 jobs right now. His new one here in Vt as well as (via computer and phone) working for the Dairy in Oh and consulting for an upcoming company in New York. He is busy but happy. Which makes me happy.

The kids and my life has settled and returned to normal once they started school. A and E are both ahead as far as their classmates go. I was not expecting that at all. I am worried - slightly - that they will get bored and not focus as much as they should. We will see as the time passes.

O and C are in gymnastics which they LOVE!!!!!!!! They cannot wait to go and would probably go everyday if they could. I have also found some playgroups and story hours to fill our mornings.

X is getting so much bigger!! He was very upset the first 2 weeks after our move. He was not comfortable in the new house. He did not understand what in the world was going on. He is back to normal and getting his little hands into anything he can! I had forgotten how much trouble little boys can get into at that age. C spoiled me for a few years.

I only have internet access about once a week for now. We do not have internet at home but are constantly calling the cable company to get it fixed for us ASAP. They are supposedly working on it.

That is all I got for now. Bye!!!

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