Sunday, December 2, 2007

This is the front right corner if you are facing the house.

This is the back corner partial view. The house actually extends past that corner.
I thought I had some interior pictures but I do not see them right now. I'll keep looking for them.

Well, I lied. I though I had put photos of our house on here already but I guess I"m mistaken. Unless I was looking at the wrong site or Month. Here we go again though.......if they are on here twice forgive me please.
By the way, Hi Ms. R!!!!
At Papa's house for family dinner. Nephew Z, A, niece P, O, X, C, E
A and X on the couch cuddling!!

X was sleeping already and we had a friend take our picture!!!

Hello out there in cyber world!! It has been very busy and hectic here. I'm gearing up for finals week and busy is truly an understatement. I cannot tell you how many papers I have due right now. My new motto there (ok, its not really new but just being used more) is that it will still be there tomorrow.

OH WELL!!!!!! We have been having a great couple of weeks. X has been sick off and on and right now is an off time. He is such a happy giggly little boy and he is just a joy. It feels like he has always been part of the family. He fits in perfectly, it was just meant to be.

Everyone else is doing well. C is X's best friend, O still likes to make him laugh. I swear that X is trying to say Alec, but no one else recognizes the sounds. It is only the vowels sounds without the consenents. All the kids go to Alec first, he is like the baby whisperer or something.

C is LOVING dance class!!! She thinks the sun rises and sets with "dancin" class. O says he wants to try it and I cannot wait to see how he does. E started gymnastics last week and O will start this week. We'll see how it goes. E really liked it, but he says it hurts alot. (the stretching bothered him, which to me means that he needs more of it) A is doing well in school. He made the Honor Roll and he was so thrilled. Here they do not start putting kids onto the Honor Roll until 4th grade. This was the first grading period and he did beautifully.

We had a fantastic Thanksgiving. We went to my mom's and pigged out on really good food. My fave is the banana pudding. I could eat bowls and bowls of it. My new baby nephew is soooooooo cute. He was born only a few days before we came home with X. It was a nice coming home present. X did NOT like that I was holding the baby, though. It is so funny that he can get jealous of the baby. Since we've had him he has never been an only child and has to share Mommy. He is now starting to fight the other kids to get them off of me. It is really funny. He pushes and prods at them until he gets them to move and they really do move for him!!!! He is very tenacious that one.

That is about all that has happened here. I can add more after finals. That is really my new motto...................after finals :-)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Well we are working on our walking!! We are finally taking one step and sometimes two!!! Yeah for us! He's able to stand up by himself now with out holding on. he is playing the stand up and squat down game. over and over and over again!!! It is so much fun!

Hopefully, the one and two steps become much more than that. The smile on his face when we clap and say good job is just priceless!!!!

(yes, i know, a mastercard commercial) Oh well, sometimes I sappy!!!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

We also had spagetti for the first time together! And then we had it two days later at my mom's house. He really knew what to do with it then. This pix is the first time at home, as for at mom's add about 3 more gallons of red sauce to his hands, face, and cheeks. :-)

This was our first Halloween together. We did have so much Fun!!!!! Yes, that is with a Capitol F for Fun!!

Saturday, November 3, 2007


I almost forgot!! We had a great evening trick or treating. The kids were so cute!! I will get photos on here soon. X was Frankensteit, O was Batman, E was army ranger, A was scary zombie, and C was beautiful Belle from Beauty and the Beast. Of course, if you asked her she said she wasn't Belle she was "sleepin booty"!!!!! It was such a fun night.

We watched the parade and walked thru town and to the grandparents houses. They kids had a blast. We were of course stopped and asked if these were all our kids. We loudly and proudly said YES!!!

We are so happy right now. The kids love their new baby brother, C fights with me over who gets to be Mom, A will sit on the couch with him watching Naruto (yeah, don't ask) O still likes to make him laugh as much as possible.

It's fun!!!

Just some updates

Everything is going well. X's is proving to be a very special little boy. He is very happy and smiley and loves to giggle. We had our first cold- a fever for 4 days and then a lovely rash. A quick trip to the doctor and voila - roseola. I despise that. The other kids have had it many times. Basically, they are sick without being sick. A virus. So there are no medicine for that and once the rash appears then all symptoms are gone within 2 days.

That's over with and now we have a cold. There were 2 days btw the rash and the booger nose/cough. Ah, such a nice set of days. Really.

We also had our first dr's appt this week. The Dr. is worried about his legs and his not walking. We meet again in 1 month but we will probably need to start some physical therapy to get those legs working the way they should.

I have been trying to get caught up in school. I have had papers and tests like you wouldn't imagine and all I want to do is sleep. I am so tired that it is becoming really hard for me to put much effort into my schoolwork. I will though and there's only a few more weeks.

That's it for today. It would be nice and someone actually talked back to me on here. That could make this more fun. I'm just saying.

Also, if there are any mispelled words on here...........well too bad. I'm usually pretty particular about it but I'm lucky to be coherent at this point. Take it or leave it.

Love ya!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

OH, just so its out there. We are still looking to adopt again. We would like to add atleast one more to our crazy bunch. We do not know when or where. But be prepared.

Majority rules!!!

Love ya bunches.

Yep! For those of you new to the family brigade, if you count heads, that really is 5 heads that you see. Your eyes are not deceiving you in any way. We love every single minute of it too!!!
We get so many comments..."wow, 5, you must be a saint," "why are you not crazy?" "you must be very organized" "why???" (that one is my fave)
there are SSSSOOOOOOOOO many other comments that we have to deal with about the size of our family. Not all of them are bad in any way. But, I think its funny that after hearing so many people comment on the number of kids in our family that E is now already answering strangers' comments with something like, "yep, 5. We're a BIG family with lots of kids. It's alot and yes we're crazy!"
How can I beat that???
His first bottle with his new mommy! Notice that the my forehead is missing in the photo? Know what that means? His new daddy is behind the camera. He never leaves mommy with an entire head. Do you think that may be a bit Freudian? (Off with her head?) JK!!!

Our first day together, our first meeting. We all spent some time together at the park with X's four sibs, new mom and dad, and your foster mom Ms. R. We had a great time finally getting to hold you and kiss you and make you laugh. Your brother O thought that it was his JOB to make you laugh as much as possible. And he did a terrific job of it too!!!

Ah, the joys of snacks at the beach. Just to tide you over until dinner. X's appetite is so large that there is not a point of time in the day that he does not have food in his hand, or the floor, or his hair.....

Oh yes, did I forget to mention the part about the beach....................and the sand???

X would not eat his cracker without all that sand on it. I would take the sandy one away and he'd get mad and scream. I gave him a new cracker and back into the sand it went to get all grubby again. After the fifth or so cracker, I gave up.
I figure a little sand never hurt anybody before..........

All these crazy people do is put me in a car seat or ..........

a stroller!!!!!

At the Park

This is such a cute photo!! I am going to try for some more now. :-)

Joe and Ashley

Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I have started and will hopefully have photos on here soon for everyone.

I will try to check the blog atleast weekly. Although, truthfully, it may not happen until after finals in December. I also wanted to say a really big thank you. We are so happy right now and things are going so well. He is a really good boy. We were very excited to meet with you while we were done in Florida. It meant a lot to us.

Talk to you soon!

My first post!!

Well hello all!! I am going to set up this blog for everyone in our family to view and check out all the crazy happenings in our household. All family members are invited, please post at will. BUT........ remember that many others will be reading and viewing your posts, including our kids. So, in other words, be nice and keep it clean!! ;-) Love you all bunches. Let's see how this works.