Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Yep! For those of you new to the family brigade, if you count heads, that really is 5 heads that you see. Your eyes are not deceiving you in any way. We love every single minute of it too!!!
We get so many comments..."wow, 5, you must be a saint," "why are you not crazy?" "you must be very organized" "why???" (that one is my fave)
there are SSSSOOOOOOOOO many other comments that we have to deal with about the size of our family. Not all of them are bad in any way. But, I think its funny that after hearing so many people comment on the number of kids in our family that E is now already answering strangers' comments with something like, "yep, 5. We're a BIG family with lots of kids. It's alot and yes we're crazy!"
How can I beat that???

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