Monday, January 19, 2009

Last bunch of photos....

Monster in a tree at a friend's farm. E decided to be a "mix" of things for Halloween. He wore a scary mask and army guy pants, plus a Batman cape. It was a great mix.
Yep, those are donuts on a string. Hangin' from the ceiling. We went to the town's Halloween party. It was really cute.

Doesn't look real, does it? This was in September, I think. There is an old tower up on the mountain behind the factory. We won this picnic lunch package at a benefit auction to have lunch on top of the tower.

He wanted a chocolate pie for his 7th bday!!

Love this photo of my mama!!!

Olga with some other au pair friends from Thailand and Colombia.

Some more winter photos....

Christmas day!!

sorry, wrong button.......for the double copy. Christmas was really great. We had a blast. The kids got the video games they wanted, C got her dollies, and X got this ball tower where he drops balls down and they bounce. It was a real winner. It was so much fun. And, can I help it, but my kids sleep in on Christmas morning. How much does a mother love that???

Lots of pictures!!!

My family came in to visit for the holidays. They were able to carve out a whole week to play. So, A, E, X, and C are mine and then two of my nieces B and B are in this photo. We had a great time!!
Sharing a chair when we had visitors. We only have so many and we had 12 people in the house for that week. Crazy, but so much fun!!

Too cool, aren't they?

Well, sorry it has been so long....

I have been so amazingly busy these past few weeks. Well, 20 weeks or so to be precise. I was finally able to start back to school this fall after taking the earlier spring semester off to take time to adjust for the move to Vermont. We are all happy and healthy and loving the multi-colored hues across the mountains. Well, the isn't much color these days except for white and white and much more white. But, man, is it pretty!!! A true Winter Wonderland. The kids have truly adapted to having more snow than what they thought could ever be possible. They go outside everyday and just play. The go up into the mountains (well, hills really by our house) and explore. Snow boots and snow pants are a daily occurance here. They just put them on like it's nothing. Just something to do to go to school. It just really brings home some of the differences here than Ohio. I do not remember ever having to worry about snow pants and school in the same breath in Ohio.

A and E have been up on the mountains skiing and boarding with Adam and twice so far this year with me. Of course, this last time I almost died. It really makes it hard to want to go back after getting the breath knocked out of ya a few times. They are really amazing. The schools here have what is called Winter Sports programs. I do most of the arrangements for the school this year. Winter sports is a 6 week program - although it is only 5 weeks this year - where students go to a winter sport once a week for half of the day. This year it is on Tuesdays. So, at noon on Tues. school is over. Those who do not want to participate go home and those that do (2/3's of the school must participate for this to work) go to their sport. This year there was skiing/snowboarding, ice skating, gymnastics, and bowling. Of course, mine chose the mountains... My wonderful husband arranged his schedule to chaperone these days with the kids. It is something they all love. O is in the ski school program and is finally starting to learn to ski. As he likes to tell me, "Mom, they made me go done that big mountain with my skiis ON!!" He was really wowed about that. Oh, and that "big mountain" was barely a slope. Too cute!!

The schools here do things a little differently. Kids have a Holiday break over Christmas like any other place, than kids have a winter break in Feb. for almost two weeks. My theory about that is that they are really just saving themselves some snow days. And, then kids do not have an Easter break, but have a spring break a week or two later. The kids are in school longer and have less of a summer break. But, it seems to work.

X just had his 2 1/2 year check up. He is 28 lbs and 35 3/4" and he is in the 10th percentile for weight and 50th for heighth. So, he's sorta tall and kinda skinny. But, the doctor has no worries and says he's as healthy and as happy as a baby should be. He is moving right along that is for sure. He is so stubborn and set in his ways. He loves to tell me "NO" that is for sure. He is a really good boy though. He is so smart and funny. He has this really great laugh. He loves to play, is still fascinated with balls of all kinds. Loves cars and things on wheels. He has recently started playing dress up with C. So, we catch him wearing Cinderella's dress or Tinkerbell's shoes. He loves it and I think it's adorable.